Hey Everyone. We are rebooting Freelancer! Please Read if you are interested in installing. 1) BEFORE THE INSTALLATION. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnv8dYjt-VM
2) Download the Vanilla Freelancer ISO at this link; https://www.dropbox.com/s/nv60nz5dgwqdua8/Freelancer.iso?dl=0
3)Double-Click the ISO, you will see a Setup.exe. Right click this and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR and install the game to a SIMPLE DIRECTORY. There can be issues with the default install directory, so try something like this! (C:\Games\Freelancer)
4)Download the combined patch (HERE - and check your spam if the link doesn't show up.) which installs the following; (Credit to Callum @ https://librelancer.net/)
Official 1.1 Patch
Jason's Freelancer Patch (bug fixes, widescreen support etc.)
No-CD EXE (Required for Windows 10)
5) Right click this and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR to Install the combined patch, when asked direct it to your game installation folder (C:\Games\Freelancer)
6) Run the game! Should boot up no problem. (Join us at our server; Freelancer Revival Project.)
On a side note, probably don't run the game as admin or it will conflict with Discords PTT feature. If it conflicts anyway give it a quick restart. Should fix that right up.
I did try the below tips but ultimately like the poster below found the link to the patch not working. I then found https://www.moddb.com/mods/freelancer-hd-edition/downloads
I downloaded and installed the ISO from this website and then I downloaded the mod above and I have a fully working (and not bad looking) version of the game running on my windows 11 system
The filehosting (https://www.filehosting.org/file/details/943698/FLCombinedPatch.exe) for the patch isn't working, it returns a blank page after clicking the emailed login link. Is it possible to share this on google drive, drop box, etc?
I am getting an error code "the code execution cannot proceed because Common.dll was not found. " I get this error code for a few dlls and this wasn't an issue the day I downloaded it. Now, day 2 it is showing this problem everytime I try to launch. What's the issue and the fix?
@Chris Gerard THANK YOU!
Thanks for the instruction and resources provided. Everything works great and I am extremely happy to be able to play this game again. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!
Has anyone else had a problem where starting a new game crashes Freelancer? I can join multiplayer servers just fine, but new game crashes :(
so idk what i'm doing wrong, but i downloaded the file, i ended up having to extract all files to a default folder under documents because it would not let me extract straight to the custom file folder, i moved all files from the default documents folder to the custom folder. and ran the setup as an administrator and the setup ran fine, i then went to the link for the combined patch, downloaded the combined patch, attempted to extract it with no luck, moved it to the custom location, ran the program, which it called extraction, however freelancer wont run saying that certain dll files are not found. and as near as i can tell the combined patch is still a zip file and never properly extracted, so now what do i do?
So on my laptop it downloaded fine, and booted fine, but stuck in 1280x960. did i mess something up?
Thank you for this guide - I had tried to get Freelancer working on Win10 several times over several years, and this 'just worked'.
This has made my week! Thank you so much. Great memories of this game.